Yesterday after cleaning and scrubbing and sorting (which becomes pretty mundane) I rewarded myself with some sewing.
I made these Christmas presents:

WARNING: (If you think these are for you, please forget you saw them here, because I am not making you something else just because it's no longer a surprise!!).
And I made this watermelon oven mitt from the Art To Heart book "Easy Does It For Summer".

The first watermelon I made was a bit wonky (I gave it to my MIL who doesn't sew at all - she will happily get gravy and all sorts of cookery on it). This is my second attempt.
My DH lovingly made me some shelves to go above my sewing machine table (oh, and he wants some of the stuff off the floor in there, so do I!!). He had to attach it to the wall. He said "If the shelves ever look like they are going to fall down, climb under the desk". Eep!! I know they will be heavy once I put all my stuff in them, but I usually have stuff under the desk too!
You know what the clean desk in the picture above means though, don't you?
Here is all the stuff that was on it before. It's all on my cutting board. I have a LOT of work to do today!!!
Last night I culled a few magazines. I have 13 to give to the Textiles department at my local secondary school (I cut some bits out of them), and 12 to sell at my local quilt group for $1 each. Let's get to work! It could be a long day!
And I still haven't tried out my felting machine!
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