Sitting with 3 ladies fussing around me while foils are put in and my hands are massaged with Aveda hand cream. Mmmm.
The Aveda hair colours don't stink like chemicals... but eminate the scent of lavender.
Then over to the vibrating chair while my hair is shampooed and my head is massaged.
The redness from my eyebrow shaping is nearly gone. They use a new wax type now, and fabric is not "wasted" by removing hair.. this putty stuff just pulls off, (with much less danger of taking off the whole eyebrow apparently) and it doesn't hurt as much.
*chortle* I just had a bizarre image of a quilt made from waxing strips with little hairs attached. EWWW!!!! A hairy quilt!
I have been writing up the instructions for this quilt I finished a couple of months ago. I made it using a fabric bundle Mum gave me for my birthday in 2006. The quilt top was pieced in January 2007 when I had a sore arm and couldn't do any hand sewing. I made 3 complete quilt tops that month - I was on holidays.

That means the quilt was a UFO until this year. The finish list is looking more and more healthy every day. But, dear reader you mustn't be disapointed if I don't post something finished every single day! I just don't have time to make that hairy quilt....
Isn't the fabric range called "Lexington"? I just love the quilt. The white sashing helps to make it so vibrant. Well done! Andrea
Oh yeah? It is too! Oh well, it's got an unusual name now... LOL!!
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