I have noticed that when I click on a UFO from my very large list and have a look at it (which is much easier than taking it down from its box and getting out the pieces), I get excited about it again. Putting each project away in its own box is convenient, but it also makes it easy to forget about them. The boxes are stored on top of tall bookcases, so I need to look up in order to see them. It's amazing how we mostly search at eye level, but I digress.
Noddy is a licensed product and image, so I am making this quilt purely for personal use.
This is Mr Wobble-Man.
Sly is a naughty goblin.

I can't think of this monkey's name at the moment, but she was very meddlesome, and naughty. Her tail was always getting into things while Noddy was driving.

I love the sky fabric I chose as a background, but it looks like the characters are floating in the air. I put Noddy onto a green hill - I want the background including the grass to look straight out of Toyland. I think it looks a lot better.
Unfortunately this means I need to unpick where I have sewn the feet on the other blocks. This is probably why the blocks were put away in a box.
I also plan to applique Mr. Plod, Tessie Bear, Mrs Skittle and Little Skittle... and one more. Comments please!!! Should it be Noddy in his car, a Golly, The Bumpy Dog or ?????
Hi Loz,
A golliwog for the final block and put Noddy in the centre of the quilt. You can always have Noddy in his car on the back of the quilt - why? Because kids always turn it over to see what's on the other side and they get a real kick out of finding something else! You can get nearly an hours' worth of amusement with them flicking from one side to the other if there is something on the back! vbg
Ohhh! I never thought of that!!! Good one!!! It can be a quillow folding into Noddy and his little car... Thanks. :)
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