Still, it is much better in a quilt than sitting in the red, yellow and orange stash box the backing fabrics all came out of. The quilt as you go (QAYG) sashings on the back were all leftover bindings. I even joined them. I felt so liberated!! I am proud of me. This fungly backing has lessened my immediate need to respond to Lazy Gal's fungly challenge.

This quilt was finished so quickly, I wonder if I can pick something quicker than the 1950s dresses to replace Chicken Soup on the list of 4 current projects. The QAYG was so easy, I am ready to finish another quick one off in the same way. It is such a good feeling! And, I used fabric from my stash for the back. That also felt good! (Now I can get some more... I just saw Jo Morton's new range Meg's Bouquet). It looks brighter and fresher in real life. These fabrics are real zingers.
Only 28 UFOs left to finish and so many more future projects to start!!! Let's go!!
Ya know, a lot of people would classify the purple/green polka dot print & the floral with a group of chickens "fungly. So that might also temper you desire to join right in.
My list of 9 baby quilts has tempered my desire.
Since I am the calico cat - I could be having a litter... :o)
Seriously - I am a "just do it" quilter & I send a lot out for long arming & I don't do hard stuff so it looks like I do a lot - that is not really true.
(I can't reply to your comments - you are set up as "no-reply.")
Congrats on the finish - I love the way you use the leftover bindings - I have some of those hanging around, but I too have recycled them! :o)
I think you are right! The front could be seen as rather fungly! How many pink and purple chickens are around anyway?
Thanks for reading my blog. I can't wait to hear more news about your expected "litter". :o)
And don't put down your own quilting by saying it's not hard stuff. All you need to say is it is satisfying and achievable., and that is much better than 29 UFOs hanging around like me!
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