Tuesday, 28 October 2008

38 nine-patches

Yessssss! The first installment of piecing instructions for the Mystery Quilt magically appeared online last Saturday.

I am intrigued! I've made this weeks's task of 38 nine-patch blocks, but I have absolutely NO IDEA what will happen next! It's exciting!

38 blocks. How does that work? 19 rows of 2. No..... er... 6 x 5 = 30 plus 8 leftovers.... or, 17 x 2 with 4 for the corners... OOH!! I love the mental exercise of a mystery quilt!! And, the feeling of "oh well, let's see how it turns out". (Actually, if you think you know, please don't let on. I love a good surprise!)

In the end, it's all good, wholesome stashbusting isn't it??

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