So fresh... I love stitchery. I can just pick it up and go!
You know, one of these mini quilts has applique in it, maybe I could slip in a little applique over the next few days...
What's happening with my Lizzie Mae medallion you ask? I have to finish choosing colours for the pieced blocks - so my worn out brain fighting off this virus is going for tasks with less thinking involved.... let's finish this little quilt top and start another one!!
Ahhh, look at the urn. I did not fussy cut or centre the print onto the urn. The entire fabric was pretty, so I just appliqued the urn and let the fabric do its thing.
I was supposed to do a lot of piecing on my day off... but I spent most of the day in bed, feeling unwell. The upside is, I have lots of hand sewing done (I can rest, sit and sew at the same time)... but the downside is, I need another hand project (preferably applique).
I guess I had better pull out the 12 Days of Christmas quilt blocks again, and do the 6 geese a laying....
Oh! I love applique!
The colours are starting to look soft and pretty with a vintage slant - all reproduction 1800s fabrics... The different coloured stems are really starting to show up.
So excited! Just want to do more and more!!
I am loving everything about this applique block - the background is a treat! I have decided to add the urn last - I picked that fabric first, so it should come together really well.
I am really looking forward to machine piecing on my day off this week... I can do that while the washing machine does it's thing and the soup cooks.. etc.
So much piecing to do! And cutting... I wonder how much I will get through...
Finally, I've got my French Braid quilt hanging to take a good photo of it for my blog. Mum quilted it with an allover seaweed pattern for me. Thank you Mumsy. *hugs*
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... it's wonderful to finish so many quilts because Mum can quilt them for me.
You know what else I love? Simply by writing this blog makes me take more photos of my projects in progress.
It's quite satisfying to see my projects unfold rather than say "Oh yes, I am still working on the applique centre"... etc... Not only does my blog give back to the bloggers who inspire me (I hope), but I plan to print these records into books and keep them for future generations in my family.
No, I am not a diary writer, but I can blog.
Every now and then I seem to do machine-sewing in a frenzy (when I have a block of time). The rest of the time it's hand-sewing....
This will form part of my 1800s hexagon sampler. I am making up the designs as I go.
So, what to do? I fancy making a table runner. So.. here is the first block.
Every now and then I feel like quick, easy piecing. Know what I mean?
And, this is my handwork from last night...
This is the centre block in the 12 Days of Christmas quilt.