Do you ever use your crafting to take you away from it all? Like, really go somewhere else for a while? It's definitely less harmful than substance abuse, but probably just as addictive.
There are busy times in our lives when we don't really have time for our sewing... funnily enough those are the times when out brain needs our crafts more than ever...
Even if there isn't time to actually stitch, I will try to think on the fabrics, and drool over possible combinations, think on future projects, browse online fabric shopping, and admire what others have done (mostly on blogs and social media).
It's been a crazy couple of days here preparing important documents and burning the candles both ends in a way I can't remember doing since I was completing big assessment tasks... except now I'm also juggling a balanced family life, and the assessment isn't just about getting a good grade, it feels like a major assignment for studies was nothing in comparison to this... and the intense relief of submitting the papers in time stands alone.
Here's what I did in snatched half hour sessions of "getting away from it" with my sewing. Prepared all the leaves and tendrils, and the stems for block 2 of Diamond Hill.
This time I've used 2 layers of freezer paper, then used Crisp spray starch to iron the seam allowance over.
And this is what I've got glue basted in place.
It doesn't look like much, but it really helped me to zone out for a while.
It's a funny thing. Some sewing projects are so emotional, I can look at the quilt and remember what I was watching on TV, or which music I was listening to, or even how I was feeling.... in kind of the same way that smell can trigger memories, I think my sewing triggers emotions and memories too.
I wonder if I will remember these last few days when I look at Diamond Hill when it is finished.
Enjoy where your sewing is taking you while we create memories. xo
A bit of this and that
36 minutes ago
It is gorgeous and so crisp! I love the purple background!
I cobbled together a small handcrank. It lives in an orange cooler with the box of kitted up blocks and scissors and thread. I load in the vehicle when Rob goes flyfishing. Wonderful mental retreat, because where ever we go there is the sound of water and whispers of trees, so soothing. All the best, Sharyn
I have plenty of sewing things that bring back memories when I see & sew them. That's what it's all about
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