I've been working on the English paper-pieced diamonds - My Stars for mindless handwork. What happened to the Christmas cross-stitch? Nearly finished... I just don't feel like making things to frame anymore. I guess I am not really sure what colours to frame it with and so on. It sounds silly to let something like that stop us from finishing a project. I'm sure it's usually in the subconscious....
However, I do have a finish for show and tell.

I Believe is hanging in this photo. Perhaps I should take another photo where you can see it laying flat.
I need to add some buttons (for holly) and beads (for birdseed), but the rest is finished, and the label is on.... buttons and beads will probably wait until the 1st December - that is this year's deadline. If I don't have the decorations or gifts made by then, it's too late for this year.