Eight more of these to go, then another 20 small blocks for the next border.
Of course, I rewarded myself with a bit of cross-stitch after that... which may be causing me to stay up too late at night. I found myself dreadfully tired this morning...
Woo hoo! The letters look good. I still need to fill in some of the house, but that's boring white, and best left when I am talking to others at the same time!! e.g. at sewing group!!
This is another non-fattening treat. Oceanica panel and border panel with a couple of prints from the Oceanica range, some from the Folklorica range and others I liked. I have no idea what I am going to do with this yet... it's officially a PIG (Project In Grocery Sack) and is sitting in the bag I bought it in.

Oh yes, and I have trimmed the outside scallops of the 1950s quilt. Now I need to cut binding on the bias and machine it on.