Monday, 30 November 2009
Fruits of labour

Sunday, 29 November 2009
The last raspberry
Saturday, 28 November 2009
More raspberries please
It's because I love stitcheries!! And these are so easy to do...

Awww... too cute for words!!
One more stitchery to go, then I need to put them together into a little wallhanging.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Only half grown

Thursday, 26 November 2009
Who is this?
Also.. I decided last year that I wanted to finish all my Christmas decos for 2009 by the 1st December 2009 so that I could enjoy them!!
I've still got a couple of other family Christmas presents to make too, but overall, I have finished Christmas shopping for my quilty friends.
Who is this little reindeer?

It's Rudolph... with his knobbly knees....
He is from the new Cinderberry Stitches pattern "Raspberry Cream". The original pattern is stitched in only one colour thread, but I chose a variegated red and pink and offset it with green.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009

I still need to add the borders made of log cabin blocks with little birds in each corner.
Even though I didn't piece each square individually (I used strip piecing), there were a heck of a lot of seams to match!! I pin each seam join with 3 pins, so it took all day to get the blocks together with all the little squares.
And onto the borders! Yeeha!
Friday, 20 November 2009
My homework...

I've already learnt a few new stitches. Next we are working on the bird body with a few new stitches incorporating beading. I have another class in 2 weeks, so I will have homework to show sometime before then.
Thursday, 19 November 2009

I used a pre-quilted fabric instead of adding a lining, so it's been twice as much as work.

I have also added my own adjustments like velvet cuffs and pocket drapes. I also want to make a velvet collar. I will get to it. It just takes more time when you are re-designing as you go.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Santa's crotch
Earlier this week I was stitching my embroidery and embellishment ready for teacher tomorrow night (oh yes, I must show you a picture soon).
We were stitching crosses and I found it quite therapuetic. So I thought...hmm... I haven't done any cross-stitch for about 12 years (i.e. since I took up quilting in a big way)... this could be nice. I opened a drawer and found this cross-stitch kit in its packet.
There is a heck of a lot of work in this, but blow it... I don't have enough projects on the go .. LOL!! I've now got 41 projects on the go, but who cares??? It doesn't need any preparation. It's the handwork to take on the go at the moment...
I forgot you actually need to count with cross-stitch, but that hasn't taken away all the enjoyment. After all, there's quite a bit left to do on Santa's crotch.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
It's nice to have a day off...

And... I appliqued Santa onto his background, although it is not yet a little quiltlet ready to hang. Still, there's always another day.
Friday, 13 November 2009
Still counting...

I want to do the Santa applique by hand because it is much mroe detailed than the number blocks.
Ooh, I can't wait to finish it and show you the cute little stand!!
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Little quilts are so quick...

to this....

to this...

And now there are three. Ooh, they look so nice together.

I am not going to join them together to make one quilt. I have photographed them together because I am using 45 fat quarters to make all 9 little quilts.

The back shows how I pressed one of the four-patch seams open, then the long diagonal rows were also pressed open. This really eliminates bulk in the seam intersections - this will make quilting much easier.
Now I need to work on my Santa countdown, the smoking jacket and I want to make a wrap-around skirt. I also have some homework to do for an embellishment and embroidery class I am participating in. I haven't shown you that at all yet!!
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
What a delight

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
New little quilt

Monday, 9 November 2009
I love little quilts!!

Here's a photo to indicate scale - we all know the size of a rotary cutter don't we?

Instead of the usual way when piecing (i.e. make a four-patch and join them together to reduce stretching across rows) I pieced in rows. The seams sit so much better on the back.

Sunday, 8 November 2009
A little update

Saturday, 7 November 2009
It's time for another one...

The next one I will make features the block Broken Dishes. Each block finishes at 2" square.
Friday, 6 November 2009
A couple of days work

Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Counting down

Obviously, this countdown to Christmas needs to be finished before the 1st of December, but THIS year I would like to be ready to enjoy all the delights of a decorated Christmas at the start of December.

I machine pieced all the "little quilt tops" for the numbers, and machine appliqued all the numbers on. I bagged out these four little number quilts, now I need to top-stitch around them and quilt around the numbers.
Then I need to make the little Santa block.
I also have another little Christmas piece I want to finish (and start) before December...
This morning a friend asked me how many projects I had on the go... I looked at my list down the side of the blog, and it said 40. She gasped. I shrugged. I finished 28 projects last year, and so far I have finished 16. I have 2 quilts to bind and they will be added to the finished list.
In the big scheme of things, 40 is not really a lot of projects.... of course, I didn't count my PIGS (Projects in Grocery Sacks) that aren't even started!! LOL!!
Do I make you feel better about your stash?
Monday, 2 November 2009
Searching for the peacock

I love the colour of these fabrics... I haven't quite decided what fabrics to use on the peacock yet, hence the delay. I expect to be onto it very quickly!!
I already have the next 2 blocks traced, which helps to keep me going with the quilt. Hopefully, if I feel like it's too hard to make the decision on what fabric to use with the peacock, at least I can start on the stems of another block, until a time when I feel like choosing colours.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
And another thing...

These are the fabrics I chose. I have cut out the background for the numbers - ready to machine piece. The numbers are partially fused (The fusible web is traced and is on the back of the fabric. I still need to cut out the rest of the numbers).