Saturday 4 June 2022

Gingham is trending

The blocks I am making using the vintage gingham, some from the 1950s are out again, although, really I should say they are in again. Gingham is in vogue!

 I've trashed the previous ideas I had for the Monkey Wrench blocks with a sort of colour wash, and I am back to making actual blocks with varying gingham colours in the background.

Looking for a variety of sizes in the gingham also, I am settled on this design. Time to make a few of these blocks and trial out the sashing.

But first, I think I need another can of ironing spray! The vintage ginghams really are a bit flimsy! I've used the coles brand ironing aid spray, lemon scented. It works absolutely fine.

The old fabrics have been subjected to goodness knows what, and some pieces had to be thrown away because of the mold or stains, even after washing twice. I am happy to be able to use what I can.


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