Saturday 22 February 2020

Is that my blanket?

"Mum, is that my blanket?"
Yes!! Woohoo!! Master 4 has already recognised that I am making his quilt. Music to the ears of a creatrix.
Every maker's desire is for the finished product to be enjoyed and cherished with as much delight as she had in the creative process.
This is an 11 inch square set out as a mini quilt sandwich with 3 layers: the back, the wadding and the top fabric. Once it's quilted as a mini quilt all the blocks are joined together to make a pattern.
See that funny little plastic thing? It's a quilters essential item. In the old days a quilter used a sharpened bone to mark straight lines for cross hatching, and that is where she would stitch.
This Hera marker is the modern day version of the bone. It's plastic, and shaped kind of like its predecessor. It marks a crease in the layers that isn't visible after stitching and if you make a mistake it steams out with the iron. I haven't found anything I like better for marking quilts in my 24 years in crafting them.
Creating 9 of these little squirrel blocks is today's project. I'm so happy that 4yo is already going "nuts" over it.

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