Monday 27 January 2020

The rains are here

It's suddenly cooler here in Townsville, and the rash on my body is subsiding! Woohoo!

The centre panel on the flower fairy has been quilted. I placed this tea towel as part of the backing, because I do not know where this quilt will end up within Australia, and I wanted the person to know that up here, we have been thinking of them.

This is where the panel joins sides.

I have finished the entire top, just the binding to go.

As I was saying, the rains have set in, and we spent the morning running around the yard collecting what we don't want to wash away, weighing down items or moving them to higher ground.

Tomorrow school and kindy are supposed to start. If the rain eases up overnight we should make it to both on time in the morning.

1 comment:

ButterZ said...

Hi.... How are you? Have you finished your home yet?.