Just in time for me to clock up another finish... Hmm... now that's finished...what will I start next? Maybe I should finish something else first? Noooooo..... that would be sensible! Hahahaha.
We were all feeling rather tired - Rosie decided it was our machines that usually keep us awake.... perhaps it's the noise? I suggested it was because we were up and down to the iron when machining... Whatever the reason, we were all stitching ourselves to sleep (except Carolyn who was fusing on a tree trunk and tracing leaves)... What can I say? We were soothed and relaxed.I know that after starting to sew the little date medallions for this hanging (on the machine) I was more awake... but I'm not sure if that was the Coke spider I drank or the machine... *wink wink*
I'm not sure how I am going to attach the medallions temporarily each year - it's a perpetual calendar, so the medallions will move. I tried to stitch a safety pin on the back, but even a tiny one moves so that it is visible at times.
Carolyn suggested I make a feature of the little black safety pins by pinning through the top. Well, at the moment, they just have sewing pins on them so they don't go for a walk... Hopefully I'll finish the other medallions tomorrow... I have a quilt top I'd like to add borders to tomorrow (if I'm not on the ride-on mower)...
Not only was this quilt top made in 2 days, but that's 2 quilt tops finished in 3 days... (okay, okay, one of them was on the go for five years.... but does that count? Really?
Here it is.. the Saggy Baggy Helephump... awww.. can't wait!! I'm asking Mum to quilt it with monsteria leaves or something similar.
The Saggy Baggy Elephant is a sample for my LQS... the panel comes with instructions on how to turn it into a book, but it was saying quilt to me. I chose batik fabrics in the colours I think African sunsets should be.
Eventually, this quilt will be for a baby due in April 2012... and...
This panel was talking to me at my LQS.... I felt obliged to listen...Here it is with borders... I just need to assemble the back as it only needs a 15cm strip inserted into the back to work...
I love Olivia the little pig - these scenes of her with her family are quite touching. I also love the red and pink together: bright, fun, and it lends the bedroom decoration to include pink, red or both. After I joined the front border strips, and fell in love with it, I didn't feel like doing the quilting... the quarter inch foot is on my machine, and I'm ready to sew lots and lots of strips. Funny about that, I have a couple of quilts that need some of that.. I think I'll leave my machine threaded with this colour for a couple of days...
I'm making the Saggy Baggy Elephant for my friend who is expecting identical twins. I really wanted to make the Saggy Baggy quilt for my friend's baby, and felt torn when he said it was twins... What to do? I didn't want to make two quilts the same (not just because I would be bored, but because they will be individual people, and deserve to be treated as such)... then I found the Poky Little Puppy panel in my stash at home! Oh wow! I'm excited now!!
I shall keep you updated... so much to sew! But, now it's time to mow....
Oh, and a little update on my studio... I've been using a room in the house that is officially labelled a Disaster Zone. Today, the electrician put lights and power into a little outbuilding that I am going to turn into a super duper studio!! Yay!! A dedicated sewing space of my own... oh joy!
This is the Flower Of The Month stitchery I started in 2006. The last time I worked on it was May 2010. This how it looked then...
oh dear... It's been waiting for borders for 18 months! I just love love the colours and fabrics... I would love to keep it... but I had an idea while I was finishing it today that my gf Janelle would love it. She lost her Dad last week - he was a war veteran... with poppies quilted on this, I would name it "Rememberance".
This bunch of flowers will last a lot longer than some real ones that would fade too quickly. I'm not going to tell Janelle why she is getting this quilt. I am just going to give it to her.
My next task was to prepare for Christmas...
This Christmas stocking panel by Julie Paschkis is stunning. The prints have depth, and the colours are warm. I quilted the fronts, then quilted black pieces for the back... then added straight grain binding to the tops, stitched around the outside... and added bias binding to the sides.
Two made, two more to go... maybe next Tuesday? I think they took an average of an hour each... that's not too bad.... Still to make the birds (I want them to be name tags for the stockings).... Fun! Fun!
I've organised a sewing get-together day on Tuesday with Rosie, Andrea and Amanda. We are going to stitch our little socks off! I'm not yet sure whether this quilt will be worked on, or the new idea I have with the stunning indigenous prints in my LQS.
Ah, that's 4 days away.... let's just see what is talking to me on the day.