This poor monkey had no eyes since December 6th 2008. (Yes, I just looked it up on my blog to see how long he has been waiting just for eyes.) I started making funky monkey on November 21st 2008. Maybe I could attach a label to his bottom like a Cabbage Patch. LOL!!

This is one of the things I love about my blog - it is my quilting diary. I can't tell you how many times (pre-blogging) I thought back and tried to work out when I started a quilt and when I finished it (for it's label, you know...). My bugs in bottles quilt still doesn't have a label. Hmm... note to self, post a photo of that.
I love Sharyn's idea of making a
quilt journal to document all of this (my book covers would do well for those). I have a couple of ideas books that I have scribbled in over the years. Perhaps I will take some photos of pages and the finished quilt sometime to show you. (OK, that thought is also filed away - not in my brain, but on my blog, VBG.) I should make more
book covers for them.
Did you get a spare calendar over the New Year period? Perhaps one from the dry cleaners or something like that? I guess businesses are cutting down on such things, but you could still pick up a calendar for a good price now that the year has already started. Keep it next to your sewing machine and write in some of the ideas Sharyn suggests
It is such a clever idea. Although I write in this blog, I don't post every time I change a sewing machine needle. LOL!!

I have a new panel. The design was inspired by an object book from the 1940s. I am going to make a soft book from it, but the pictures would also make good blocks in a quilt.

The flash didn't go off in the bottom photo, but I can't be too picky, I haven't had time to post for days!!
I am really enjoying the warm weather - BBQs outside in the cool of the evening after a hot day.... we have been eating lots of salads, unusual combinations that we rustle up so we don't get tired of lettuce and tomato. Another warm day today, 30 degrees C (it's been 2 days in a row at 39, so it is some respite, but still certainly not gardening weather).