Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Thanks Mum!

Well, here is the French Collection quilt now that Mum has long-armed the most complementary designs onto it.

I asked for cross-hatching all over each of the stitcheries, a twirly grapevine along the sashings, and cross-hatching behind the applique.

My DH wasn't sure about the cross-hatching all over the stitcheries - he worries that it detracts from the stitched pictures. But, he couldn't come up with any other way for the stitchery blocks to be quilted as there is just no space for outlining in the pictures.

The quilt will look really different with its hand-painted buttons attached. This will happen after the binding.

I guess I had better add a hanging sleeve. It will probably hang more often than sit on the bed.
I can't wait to finish it! But I've barely had time to post!!


Deep Creek Quilter said...

The quilt was beautifully pieced and embroidered.Thanks for the opportunity to quilt it for you.
If you click on the pictures on my blog they enlarge and the stitching can be seen really well.Congratulations.


I was passing by on your blog and saw this gorgeous quilt, in holland we would say: I take my head of for you ;-)