this section is all stitched down
I wondered if I should put in another leaf near the stem (have now decided No, as the stem on the left side is kind of bare). Maybe I will put a smile on the tiger to make it look more like a Cheshire cat? (No, it's beautiful just as it is).

More stitching and fixing to do on this side
And then I'd like to embroider a quote onto the background.

Leaves, flower, and pot to be stitched
If you haven't seen the wide variety of fabric and colour choices used by other quilters with these patterns, you can see them on (the designer) Esther's facebook group page.
I am totally loving the fabrics on this quilt. So much fun and variation. There is no chance to be bored with the stitching.
I am also pretty pleased with my goal setting, to try to keep up with the 2 heavily appliqued BOMs. I am a bit behind on the stitchery blocks, but I feel certain I will catch up and complete the quilt by the end of this year. Especially if I keep up with Diamond Hill until July when the last block is released.
After Diamond Hill is released, I am looking forward to making a softie of some kind. Perhaps a toy or decoration. I also know I'll have to make it along with a friend for motivation and encouragement. When this block is finished I'll have a rummage in my pattern stash.
Linking up with Esther's blog today for Working on Wednesdays.