Sunday, 28 February 2010

Motivation: homework for the teacher?

I've finished all the regular embroidery on my sample and I only have a few days left before the last class. I need to finish stitching on the gold wire stems, then make one more stumpwork leaf and cut them out.

In the last class we are attaching the stumpwork and berries. Then it will be ready for framing! I am going to have mine framed. Who knows if I will ever do stumpwork again?

I really like the look of it, I have enjoyed doing it, but if I am not in class, I won't be inspired to do stumpwork again... Does that ever happen to you? Maybe I need homework to show the teacher. Besides that, I don't want to look bad in front of the rest of the class..

1 comment:

Liz said...

I know exactly what you mean! Huge desire to try something new, do it, finish it, probably won't do it again, move on!! Sounds like something I would do too.