When it's a pair of socks!!
Folks from the U.S. may recognise these socks... but to us Aussies, I am speaking double-dutch!
During the Great Depression of the 1930s a lot of people wore these socks. They were your average work-socks.
People couldn't afford toys, so they made their own. But they couldn't afford to buy materials to make them either... so the sock monkey became really popular.
Rosie gave me this gift box containing Peejay for Christmas. I haven't been allowed to start it yet - Rosie bought one for herself too, and next week we are getting together to start making the little guy!! yay!!

Here are some other ways one might dress up their sock monkey. Rosie gave me an entire book full of pictures with ideas. I plan to combine the pictures with the line drawing instructions given to me by my good friend Jan...
I can't wait to turn this PIG into a monkey!!
NB. a PIG is a Project in Grocery Sack (you know, still in the bag you brought it home in..) This one has been sitting around for 2 months twiddling it's thumbs-to-be (or NOT thumbs actually, as this monkey will have none).