Monday 29 December 2008


I must say that after a few days on the coast I am quite brown! I slathered stacks of sunscreen on, but some rays still got through!

A Christmas tree in the window - cute decorations

It's funny what we bring back as "souvenirs" isn't it? I can only deal with so many spoons and fridge magnets and I don't use stubby holders. Christmas Eve in Milton NSW I found an opp shop open!

opp shop pattern - 20 cents (I like the one with lace)

I really want to make this nightgown. If it works as a nighty (maybe sage green) I think I will make one as a dress in a nice 1970s green - sort of light emerald.

I would like to make the bags - crochet is so quick (pattern - 20 cents)

I have been really inspired by reading EmilyKate's blog and the links in her "procrastination station". I really thought I was the only one to buy stuff at opp shops and alter them!! LOL!!

No, I can't see myself making any of these on the back of the pattern.
zippers - 20 cents each
I am going to three weddings over the next 4 weeks, so I thought that was a good excuse to buy a new outfit (I can wear it to all three!!). I hope I will find something at the Indian shops. I have a nice pant-suit in mind. I had a quick look around my local opp shop today -nothing tempted me there (and that is a suprise!).

On the way home from Christmas-on-the-coast I stopped at Braidwood - famous for it's quilt hangings up and down the street in November every year.

I popped in and saw the new Down Under Quilts mag on the counter! I am a cover girl!!

Of course, I only happened to go the counter because I was buying this.
I think it will make a really good address-book-cover for my BIL's birthday (I know, I wasn't going to make anymore, but that was just for 2008).


Lisa said...

Ok, I am trying to fix my comments so people can email me directly, but I don't see how to do that. I don't see it on yours, either, though. Is it something that only the blog's author can see? (I did recieve an email notification that you had left comments, though.)

Thanks for your help with the linky thing, BTW. :-) I am slowly figuring this out. Now if I would just sew as much as I blog about sewing, I'd get something done!

Anonymous said...

I shop for the same sort of souvenirs. You certainly got some great ones on this trip!
Judy B