Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Nearly finished another one!!

Gypsy Girl.. a new project!!

Don't they look fab all together?

This is the first stage of making the blocks. I have made all 31 blocks up to this stage...

And these are my first completed blocks.

Not much green in these ones... all the colours will spread out in the finished quilt...
This is going to be a nice quick finish!!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Pieces of the Past quilt top finished!!

This morning I finished sewing the borders around the outside of the quilt. This afternoon my DH added the binding on with Photoshop!! LOL!!
The soft waves of leaves look really colourful on their dark purple backgrounds. The blocks are quite geometric, and I feel the leaves take away their harsh edge. The quilt seems to have so much movement, it is really eye pleasing, and I am really pleased. VBG.
Mum, this quilt top will be coming your way very soon... I hope you can fit me in!!
Okay, next job!!
Monday, 29 March 2010
What do you think?

I've sewn on the top and bottom and I will audition cornerstones tomorrow. Tonight I need to finish re-appliqueing the leaves over the edges of the sashing.
I just hope this border is not too busy.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Fun news!

Andrea's Nearly Insane quilt was awarded First Prize in the large pieced and appliqued, domestic quilted quilt section.
My miniature quilt was awarded First Prize in the small quilt/wallhanging section.
And Lizzie's quilt won First Prize in the Circus Challenge!!
Okay, it's confession time. Lizzie runs the Civil War Bride Quilt blog... and we challenged each other to finish our quilts for the Ballan Show in 2 years time... that will mean we have spent 3 years on the quilt (on and off, mostly off lately.. I haven't worked on my CWBQ since November last year.) I know I can pick it up again in June... I can't wait!!
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Eye candy at the Ballan Quilt Show

The theme for the show was The Circus. I just had to show you all the props on display....

I have no idea where they got a carousel horse from!

Andrea just finished this quilt in time for the show!!

Correction -Bernadette left me a message after seeing this post: Neil quilted this four-block quilt himself. Thanks for the tip Bernadette. I whizzed past some of the labels too quickly and jumbled up the info.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Piecing the Past

I love seeing the quilt blocks (now the centre of a quilt top) on this screen. Seeing them reduced in size brings out a lot of detail.
Ooh! I love this quilt already!
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
1950s quilt top completed!!

Sunday, 21 March 2010
Now my arm is sore...

My arm is sore though, I only hope I don't aggravate it by playing bowls tomorrow..
Friday, 19 March 2010
Guarding the eggs...

Not by my foot which seems to have made its way into this photo... but by the bird at the top!
I am really loving the way the colours are coming out in the applique now... such a pretty rainbow of colours, without being overly bright.
There are still more leaves to go however... my arm is getting a little sore - probably all this applique.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Eggs in the nest
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Appliqueing the past

I need to stop here and wait for some more fabrics to arrive....
Hmm.. doesn't the carpet look nice behind this? Whoops! LOL!
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Would you believe it?
Mum quilted it with individual borders around each block, the appliques are outlined, the little quilts are quilted free-hand... I have borders of flowers up the sides, clouds in the sky and a garden bed of flowers in the grass at the bottom.

It's the dollhouse quilt.
Aha! Another finish for 2009!! How many is that? I'll have a count...
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Miniature Mountains

Friday, 12 March 2010

Thursday, 11 March 2010
Christmas is on it's way...

Hopefully I will be finished by Christmas. LOL!!
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
I have been working on so many things (but they are all from the list of 5!!).

Tuesday, 9 March 2010
The Stuffing Brothers
We have both been busting to start our sock monkeys, but we are not allowed to work on them if we are not together. We finally got together for a few hours last week, and this is what we got up to.

Would you believe two Peejays?

The next sock is a little scary... first we cut out the tail...

then the mouth..