Animals have meanings when they appear in our lives. They can symbolise specific traits, or we can identify with aspects of the animal.
Sometime in 2011, I was newly separated and on the way to being divorced. At almost midnight a bat appeared in my bedroom. It flew around the room, and I ran around frightened. Eventually i got it out of the bedroom, and closed the door to sleep. I talked about it on facebook, and then my friend Tania sent me links to information about the meaning of bat as a totem or spirit animal. Boom! It all made sense, and my life was changed.
The bat disappeared from the house, and I never saw it again. It never soiled in the house, and it left no evidence it had been there.
These textile art pieces honour the spirit animal that others may connect with. I have freemotion quilted words onto the wolf: LOYALTY, APPETITE FOR FREEDOM, INSTINCT, INTUITION
And this one reminds me of Medusa, whose curse was to turn men into stone when she looked into his eyes... her hairful of snakes appealed to me, and gave me a lot of joy to stitch.