I wanted to turn my brain off, so I asked the beloved to get me a jigsaw at the shops. Oh my goodness. Well, it's a painting.
So i got the sky done, which traditionally would be the hardest part, and now I am throwing the jigsaw away.
I don't even want to give it to the opp shop, it's so bad. What a waste it's been.
So he grabbed me this Christmas one too.
It's also a shocker.
No more cheap jigsaws for me. I will choose my own. Preferably scenic photos!!

Stuff it! I am going to play with these fabrics I had on layby instead. I think it will be a French Braid quilt.
The children are too excited to eat much, but we dressed the table with wholesome foods and handmade care.
A little boy's yule....
honey glaze roasted carrots
Goddess Fortuna
It's Christmas Eve... plenty of carrots for the reindeer, a chinotto drink, cake and decorated gingerbreads.
Letter to Santa....
Santa sacks and Christmas stockings are under the tree...
This is a time I cherish so much. I give thanks for these wonderful times, future memories, I am so grateful to experience the wonder and joy of Christmas from the eyes of my own children.
This is my snowflake candle. Gratitude. Blessings to all, and to all a good night.