I have another sneak peek at a quilt made using "Eclectic Elements". I love these prints, both modern and vintage at the same time, country and industrial...
This will be a small quilt, perhaps a great table topper.Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Saturday, 24 February 2018
Easter goodies
I showed you these digital prints earlier, and now they are heavily painted with glittery and sparkly paints so that they shimmer and shine.
With Fairy Frost fabric trims for handle and top.
I made these to be used as easter egg hunt baskets, or table toppers with artificial flowers or non-fattening gift bags.
I made two of each. Pretty cute!!!
It was quite a stressful day with huge rains that channeled into our yard... 15cm of water in the "outdoor patio kitchen and sewing" space. Thank heavens the fridges, freezer, oven and washing machine all work.
Can you see where the footings for the new house will go? The floor will be 3 metres in the air. That river can flow next year when we are up high.
With a go bag packed, nappies and wipes and clothes... we were ready to evacuate even if only walking to the neighbours on higher ground.
Next morning, the rain had abated. Ahhh, the tropics.
Friday, 23 February 2018
Dobby Four Who?
I might have made a few too many Dobby cushions.... hehehaheheeheh
This one might just end up in our home... perhaps on a HP tribute cave or book reading nook....
I have one more half made... I wonder who will end up with this one!
I love Dobby. I love Harry Potter.
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Sneak peek, shoes, digital printed fabric
First show and tell today is a sneak peek at a simple quilt, featuring hydrangeas and other blooms...
I love this Wizard of Oz concept, and I have some ideas for other applique images too. I can see this keeping me happily busy for quite some time.
Can you see the rainbow on the fabric?
And in other news, I ordered some digital printed fabric online. The bottom 2 prints were called glitter, but they are not. They are neither metallic or glittery. I am going to chuck them away.
They actually look better in a photo than in real life. I wrote to the business that supplied them to tell them how disappointed I was in the fabric, and that if something arrives and is unexpectedly ugly they would be better to write to the customer and tell them the fabrics did not arrive, refund them their money, and at least they will reorder at a later date.
And so I have plans to paint all kinds of glittery goodness onto the egg and bunny prints, but please be warned against buying digital print fabrics online.
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Follow Your Dreams cushion
I have really enjoyed making this applique series.
I have chosen sparkly fabrics, and some with light and depth, then painted more sparkles, some contrast and added free motion machine embroidery details.
This is such a special concept to me, that I think I will make a small quilt.
I need something to enter into the local agricultural show or the crafts section will close. It was pitifully small last year. I hope that it can keep going until my daughter is able to enter.
Monday, 19 February 2018
Oh pinky!
I've finished this pretty, pretty pink sparkly quilt in rainbows and roses.
Made to suit special request for a pink sparkly quilt.
I've broderie persed the roses, and machine appliqued the unicorn in place...
Thank you Mum (Deep Creek Quilting) for the gorgeous custom quilting.
rainbow unicorn quilt,
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Carousel uni-cushion
Meet my latest unicushion creation, a carousel unicorn.
The main body fabric and roof of the carousel are Tula Pink fabrics, they add so much fun and dimension.
Saturday, 17 February 2018
3 Sets
I love this set. It now has an insert for essential oil bottles, and one for healing crystals. Perfect for travelling. Cheryl loves the colours, and I am so glad there was just enough for all the pieces she wanted.
I also made another oracle card bag with the wolf, and a feather detail.
It goes with this set of cards, which are absolutely delightful, from the images seen online. I have done a couple of past life regressions with Brian L Weiss cd, and so as he has teemed with Doreen Virtue, these cards are bound to be exceptional.
And another set with a dreamcatcher detail.
These fabrics are very Canadian, which I find eerily beautiful.
Connected with spirit guide card deck.
essential oils bag,
oracle card bag
Friday, 16 February 2018
Soulseed Journey oracle bag set
This is such a lovely set, and I look forward to it reaching it's destined owner.
Just so visually pleasing. I love the main bag fabric and will keep my eyes peeled for something similar.
Thursday, 15 February 2018
Starseed Woman oracle cards bag set
I adore the way the fabric has positioned itself so that the stars are right on the heart, crown, throat and solar plexus chakras in this applique.
I have a feeling I will be making another one of these bags, and I wonder where the stars will end up next time....
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Oh Tula!
Oh Tula! I finished this quilt from mostly Tula Pink fabrics on the day I found out that Westminster/Free Spirit would no longer be printing fabrics. After 30 years, they are retiring!
This leaves a swag of designers without fabric "publishers" so to speak! Including Tula Pink, Anna Maria Horner, Kaffe Fassett Collective and many more.
Oh, these were our fresh, hippy, boho and bright fabric suppliers! Who will pick them up now?
I seem to recall Tula Pink being with Moda once before, I hope they can pick them up once again.
Imagine how many people will be out of work with over 30 fabric designers' fabrics not being printed anymore.
New changes for the industry. Wouldn't it be great if one really huge entrepreneur bought out the company and everything continued as it has been?
Hello purple tiger face.
I love this quilt! This one is leaving my home, but I have enough fabric to make myself one of these gypsy boho inspired quilts.
Mine will be perfect as a gypsy fortune teller's cloth... when I get around to making it...
Gypsy quilt,
tula pink
Tuesday, 13 February 2018
Azure peacock essential oils and crystals bag
Woohoo! I've had the inserts for this bag on my TO DO list for about 4 weeks. This is my essential oils or healing crystals bag with matching inserts (original design).
I've made the inserts in the sizes to suit the bottles used by the bag's new owner, and also to suit her healing crystals.
Yes, she is a mobile healer.
It warms my heart to know that my creations are going somewhere to be appreciated, used and loved.
I've made the inserts in the sizes to suit the bottles used by the bag's new owner, and also to suit her healing crystals.
Yes, she is a mobile healer.
It warms my heart to know that my creations are going somewhere to be appreciated, used and loved.
crystals bag,
essential oils bag
Monday, 12 February 2018
Archangel Bag
I love the look of Mexican art. And when i wanted to make a bag to go with this Archangel Power Tarot Cards deck, I thought of a heart with angel wings.

And this is what I have created.
This is a really big deck containing 78 cards, so the bag had to be extra large.
I painted the heart onto muslin, using Jo Sonya paints and a fabric medium.
Then I appliqued it onto this fabric that looks a bit like angel tear drops.
Hmm... I have plans for a carousel unicorn cushion.. which may just have quite a bit of painting on the carousel. Let's see what happens.
Sunday, 11 February 2018
How many shoes does a girl need?
I loved making the Ruby Slippers section of the cushion so much, that I kept making it...
And here is a small version which I am using as a bag for this deck of cards based on the book The Universe Has Your Back.
I really see myself making more of these bags. I ADORE making the shoes in particular. I have painted, appliqued and added details of hand guided machine embroidery. And how many shoes does a girl need for herself? Maybe I shouldn't answer that question... Heh heh..
When I asked the kids what I should do with it they said to "glue tack" (blu tac) it onto the wall above my bed. Guess where their stickers by numbers sets are? yep. on the wall above their beds. Bless them. x
diamond painting,
oracle card bag,
red shoes,
wizard of oz
Saturday, 10 February 2018
You've Had The Power All Along
In the swag of presents brought by Santa last Christmas, came the original movie "The Wizard Of OZ" on DVD. 70 year anniversary edition.
It has been a long, long time since I saw the movie one rainy Saturday as a child when we didn't have videos, and we watched "old movies" on tv on a Saturday arvo.
And then there was mention of a TV/movie handmade challenge item.... and so it ended that, Thursday night (not much sleep, very restless as we are bang between 2 lunar eclipses), I could not get it out of my head, and I started to make a cushion.
Drawn outline ready to trace onto fusible web.
All fused down.
Will need some sparkles... fabric medium added to the paint...
And here it is with details free motion embroidered, and sparkles painted into the road, the shoes and the city. I love the bit of rainbow in the sky.
And who knows how the border will turn out. It might have writing in the border, but I am not sure.
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