I crocheted this blanket as a special present for my girlfriend that lives in Devon, U.K. She likes pink, and I knew if I made every hexagon the same I would be bored, so I made every single hexie different. I took the 7kg woollen item overseas, carrying it around England (losing it and half my luggage on the way to London), then took it to Paris where I met my sweet girl and gave it to her.
I finished sewing it together and tying all the ends up while we were in Paris, gazing out the window at the Eiffel Tower.... oh how lush! But, how often does a girl (me) turn 40?? 
I thought I'd share some pics from the trip, as I can see a few of them would make great scenery/landscape quilts if I ever felt like it one day.Or maybe I could print them onto inkjet fabric and make a photo album quilt to look like scrapbooking pages... that could also be fun....
This one is outside Kensington Palace.
The doorman at Harrod's... (what shopping?? they were having a big sale... and half my bags were lost, I needed makeup, toiletries and underwear!)
Stonehenge needs no introduction.
I am still a Harry Potter fan.
Parisienne restaurant - in a patchwork jacket!
Oh! the cottages in England!
And the cute little pubs with flowers out the front!