Sunday, 7 June 2020

Sacred Geometry

I love sacred geometry. What is it? If you're interested I highly recommend you search on youtube for an episode of Spirit Science titled "Sacred Geometry". I won't share a link as they often change URL, but you can find it by searching.

I also read a great book in 2012 called "The Secret Flower of Life" (parts 1 and 2) by Drunvalo Malchizedeck. 

The concept changed my life. I already had the platonic solids in rose quartz, and I had tattoos on my arm done in sacred geometry. So that now I even carry the vibration of that hidden, ancient knowledge, and the balance.

This bottom one shows the Tree Of Life transposed on the Secret Flower Of Life.

Both are very powerful. Stitching these takes more energy than other pieces, I am holding space while I sew. Whether it's past, present or future, my energy is embedded. 

Animals are drawn to my sewing in their new homes. I often get messages about how attracted the family cat is to pieces that I've created.

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