Saturday, 10 February 2018

You've Had The Power All Along

In the swag of presents brought by Santa last Christmas, came the original movie "The Wizard Of OZ" on DVD. 70 year anniversary edition. 

It has been a long, long time since I saw the movie one rainy Saturday as a child when we didn't have videos, and we watched "old movies" on tv on a Saturday arvo.

 I started to watch it with 2, 6 and 7 yos a few weeks ago (we are only half way through, and need to finish watching it this weekend, for Mummy's sake at least).. And since then some ideas started to percolate... and I spied some fabric here, and some fabric there... and someone mentioned getting ready for the local agricultural show, and before you know it, I have bought fabrics to make a Wizard of OZ applique quilt for myself to put in the show...

And then there was mention of a TV/movie handmade challenge item.... and so it ended that, Thursday night (not much sleep, very restless as we are bang between 2 lunar eclipses), I could not get it out of my head, and I started to make a cushion.
Drawn outline ready to trace onto fusible web.

 All fused down.

 Will need some sparkles...  fabric medium added to the paint...

And here it is with details free motion embroidered, and sparkles painted into the road, the shoes and the city. I love the bit of rainbow in the sky.

And who knows how the border will turn out. It might have writing in the border, but I am not sure.


Jo said...

I love that movie and stage play too.
Nice picture.

BizarreQuilter said...

I love that movie too! We just finished watching it today... I don't remember ever watching the ending... I think I had the book and cassette as a child, and I had no recollection of Oz leaving in a hot air balloon.