Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Finishing a Monster Quilt

Eight years ago when I first started this "Monsters" quilt (designed by Sue Garman), I couldn't have known that it would be perfect for my 6 year old son as a Christmas gift this year.

Every day I count my blessings for the three beautiful children in my life.

Oh yes, they certainly cut down on sewing time... Hahahhaha... but I adore my family life!

Mum has quilted every monster differently. Each monster block has a different background quilting pattern, and every monster has a different pattern in matching thread quilted  onto their body.

Mum had owner her Statler Gammill machine for only a year or so, and loved doing the machine quilting for me.

I am very lucky that Mum still enjoys professional machine quilting as a hobby and business. I love to machine quilt too, but I also love getting quilts back from  Mum with such a fast turnaround. I get to finish more projects!

Finally, the binding is on this quilt, and now it just needs a label. Then it will be wrapped under the tree ready to give in a few days time.

Just for a giggle, here is the back

I hope you are feeling ready for Christmas too.


Jo said...

That's a great quilt.

Dollandesign said...

What a nice Monsterquilt you now have finished!
