Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Ready for the next block!

It feels good to have a block of Diamond Hill finished! I have so many "almost finished" pieces on the horizon, it's time to share where everything is, ready to motivate me to keep going.

Diamond Hill block 3 is totally complete.

Diamond Hill block 3

These photos make the blocks appear to be made in a glow in the dark fabric. 

I really love the purple textured flower centre fabric.

When I went back, I realise I have a flower and a flower centre left to stitch on block 2!

So, this is what I have finished so far, in my MIL's favourite decorating colours.

And when block 3 is also finished I will be ready to start block 4, the next piece of the centre of the quilt. Next month on the 15th we will have instructions to assemble these four blocks together. I would like to have all four centre blocks finished by then.

Esther has released the free pattern for block 4. I tried to trace the design onto the background fabric today, but I had printed this one out on my own printer, and the lines were a bit feint. I realised I'd printed the rest off at officeworks, and the lines were much more solid and easy to trace.

This week I have absolutely adored the quiet stitching moments I have "stolen", even though there is a hole in my stitching finger. Ouch!

Tomorrow it's sewing group, and I will take my iron again to prepare as many pieces as I can. I seem to get lots done while I am there.

In the almost finished basket, are these two stitchery blocks for the Labyrinth quilt QAL at fandom in stitches.

these blocks are actually the same size, but they have photographed differently

I just need to find a quote for each doorknocker and stitch it on - that's my own personal touch. I can't seem to follow a pattern down the straight and narrow these days.


9658 Textiles said...

I am inspired by your Diamond Hill block! It is going to be amazing!

Radka said...

I just LOVE those blocks!

Jo said...

Love the colours on block 3.. How is your mum... pass on my best wishes...

dq said...

I am so in love with your fabric color choices on this one! It is wonderful!

kiwikid said...

Love the colours in your blocks Lorraine, they are beautiful.