Friday, 14 April 2017

makings of a Good Friday

And so here we are, it's Good Friday already, and as far as my creative outlets go, it's hardly any sewing, and all about the children.

Aaah. Feeling so blessed.

Today we started a new family tradition - making our own hot cross buns. It was my first time making them and it turned out to be really easy, using the recipe from the free Coles magazine.

Miss almost-6 has quickly grasped how to knead dough

The dough rose quickly and easily.

To make the crosses I just made a flour paste, put it into a ziploc bag, cut a corner and ran the crosses over the buns.

The buns cooked quickly.

Glazed with apricot jam

I really feel like I am sowing memory seeds these holidays.

After we made these, I ate two while they were still hot. Yum!!! So I wanted to go for a big family walk. Ooh yes, it was very busy at the Strand at twilight, but there was a beautiful breeze. We walked for nearly 2 hours, which was almost a bit much for the kids on scooters, and two adults needing new runners... but it was an easy trip for bub in his new tricycle I could steer while pushing.

In other crafty news, we painted kids tshirts using fabric paint.

Miss almost-6 spent a lot of time and effort painting the front with a rainbow unicorn, and the back with spots and lovehearts.

We opted for a watercolour look washed over with glitter.

front and back of Mummy's jarma top

The watercolour technique helps to keep the tshirts soft, and also spreads the paint a LOT further.

We were lucky to have over $100 of paints that I bought half price when one of the Lincraft shops in town was closing down.

front inspired by the movie Trolls, painted for Master 18 months

If we use the paint a bit less generously, we can paint more items each.

The children had an absolute blast painting these, and cited it as the best part of their day.  Although I have to say, we spread the painting out over a couple of days while one side dried.
dragon or shark on the front, dino spots on the back by Master 7

We have some more tshirts. I wonder what else we will get up to on these happy Easter holidays?

Happy Easter to one and all. xo


9658 Textiles said...

Looks like so much fun! I love that you let the kids get creative! It is so fun to see. Maybe when they outgrow the shirts they can become a quilt! hahaha. oh fun stuff. Happy Easter to your family from ours :)

Jo said...

Such fun times and memories. The beginnings of a special quilt in future years...

Jo said...

I bet those hot cross buns didn't last