Sunday, 2 April 2017

In the mood!

Starting to feel more energy bubbling in my creative juices, I thought I would take a break from stitching bluebells. It has always been my intention to have every block prepared within its month of release, and then it can be stitched at any time.

The preparing takes more space, more brain juice (to choose fabrics), and more equipment (iron, extension cord, paintbrush, starch, turning tools, scissors, glue, etc).

I was in the mood!

Last night I prepared 3 of the 5 daisies for Diamond Hill block 3. I have traced onto double freezer paper, and cut out, almost all the pieces for the block (I accidentally missed a few stems).
daisy pieces prepared from this fabric, hoping to give the flowers the feeling of movement

This morning I prepared another daisy. Woohoo! Only one daisy, stems and leaves to prepare! I am hoping to finish preparing the block tomorrow so that I can sink my teeth into the next Secret Garden fabric choices. Oh yay! The new block in the mystery BOM has a cat hiding behind some flowers! cue Cheshire cat, and perhaps some Tula Pink tiger fabric!
Tula Pink tiger fabric, arrived in the mail last week! Hurrah!

I am still thinking about whether to use pansies or something completely different for the flowers, or to make them in a similar way to the pattern. Oh decisions! Decisions! I am in the mood to make them too!

Then we went to a family Easter egg hunt and cooked breakfast near the beach.

The event is held every year to celebrate our children's great grandmother's birthday (she has now passed over, but she adored Christmas and Easter, as do I, and this is how she is remembered - in her favourite type of family gathering).

We are enjoying holiday time. It's almost my favourite weather of the year here (May-October), it's cool enough to enjoy parks and the outdoors.


Jo said...

Easter egg hunts with kids are so much fun

kiwikid said...

Lovelt idea to have that remembering day out, beautiful photos.