Thursday, 1 December 2011

Emptying bobbins

Well... okay... it took two days to clear all those little pieces off the table!! What can I say? I've been terribly busy!

Here they are all joined together... I emptied a lot of bobbins... I kept thinking, "I just need to sew this bit, I won't fill a bobbin - what colour can I use?" So, I emptied a few bobbins in a range of neutral colours: grey, cream, sage green... they all worked...

I think you can see that there are quite a lot of seams... I'm loving the fabrics...

I can't wait to slice and dice the Sunburnt Grass to insert a zebra print. I'm hoping it will look like there is movement in the quilt...

Now, I just need a little bit of time please Time Fairy... *grin*

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