Monday, 5 July 2010

Here's the catch...

There is only one catch to having an entire block traced out, and fabrics ready to go.... It makes me want to stay up too late, as the block just grows and grows... it looks so beautiful!!

Guess I'd better trace off another one or I'll have nothing to take to sewing group!! Hee hee.


PatchworkRose said...

Looking goood :-)
Only problem with having other blocks ready is I have about 4 in various stages of finished and only 2 others avtually finished. Shame life gets in the way :-)
Keep having fun

Teresa Rawson said...

I'm loving your Bride block! I'm hippity-hopping on projects right now too. SHOULD be working on the baby quilt for Asa, my nephew born in February (Joseph's Coat quilt-along from Don't Look Now blog...), but I WANT to put final border on Liberated Ladies project, WANT to work on other things in progress, and (always) WANT to dive into new projects.

It never gets dull, that's for sure!

In stitches,
Teresa :o)