Monday 31 August 2009

Civil War Bride Quilt kickoff!

These are my fabrics for block 20 of the Civil War Bride Quilt. The stems on their own look like something out of a Tim Burton film!! (Yes, I just watched Beetlejuice again... what a blast from the past)!!
Why have I started with block 20? I love birds in quilts, and I knew which fabrics I wanted to use.
I have bought the entire bolt of fabric for my background - I only need 5 metres IF I make it as it is in the pattern... I would like to sew horses in the borders, much like the original quilt.
I am now a member of the Civil War Bride quilt blog. If you like this, you might like to follow the blog with us.

1 comment:

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Love the Civil war block...and those Baltimores are wonderful. Have a DJ and Baltimore going. Not making as much progress as I would like. Lovely work.