Friday, 12 July 2019

The discovery of Fusion paints

And in other exciting news, I have come across a mineral paint I love called "Fusion".

I did a mini course in transfer techniques and now I am hooked.

Why not practise on these old chairs? The beloved said it wasn't worth putting the paint on them, but I understand the value of practising on pieces that don't really matter in the end whether it works or not.

The chair was cleaned with a high pressure hose and that is all it needs.

Next chocolate paint applied. Then some wax on the sports where I don't want the paint to stick as well, so it looks worn.

And here are my "distressed chair frames".

So I took my hands (which had the paint on them) into the fabric shop to find the right shade to cover the seats.

Next update to follow.

(Miss 8 LOVES the chairs, and so do I!)

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