Monday, 25 February 2013

Fairy godmothering

Soon I'll be a Fairy Godmother... My little niece will wear my christening dress when she's grown a bit... Aww...

And what does a Fairy Goddaughter need? A fairy quilt.

I love these fabrics. Green is the colour associated with the heart chakra and unconditional love.

This is the gift I give as Fairy Godmother. Unconditional Love....

The binding is made, the backing is joined, the label is attached.

Ready to be quilted by my Mumsy, and I'm thinking I'd like bubbles all over it.


Julierose said...

Aw...that quilt is so cute! Love the green with fairies idea a lot...Julierose

Fay said...

Love greens. Love the quilt.
Really nice to see you pop up on my Blog reader again! :)

Michelle said...

That is lovely. The colors are so gentle.