We are celebrating the return of our lost kitty kat! Since we moved, one of our cats went missing. He was being beaten up by local neighbourhood cats, because he's a boy.... but ours is so timid. He's been fixed, and doesn't usually wander.
So he mustve ducked down a drain and it's taken him 2 months to get back to us.... quite amazing, considering we'd only been living here less than a week when he went missing.
He returned with only one eye, and he was super thin. So he's gone through some major shizz to get home, through sheer will. And we are loving it all on him big time.
I've had this cat panel for a few years. My kiddo loves colour and cats.
I've also had this Tula Pink kitty fabric for years. Probably longer. Have you heard of the fabric range "Tabby Road"?
I think it will go very well here, and maybe some of these Tula strips and monkey wrench print.
The question is, what do I make? He's into soft textures, and uses his quilts as a cubby house.
I think a little wallhanging again will be suitable, he really like wrapping his body in fluffy blankets. The End.
So cute!
I wonder what to make with these.... time to put thinking cap on...