Saturday 5 October 2019

I am the result of a thousand loves

This is an ancestor altar cloth. Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Samhain, Day of the Dead... these are all names for the time when traditionally the veils between the worlds are thinner, and if one wants to communicate with spirits that have passed over, particularly ancestor energy, this is the right time to do it.

I have some ideas for ancestor altars. Whereby the skulls represent those that went before us. Crystal skulls hold even more information within their consciousness, just because of their shape.

This particular quartz skull is one that I won in a raffle. It must have chosen me, because it had a $550 price tag on the bottom, and I am not in a place where I would have bought it.

"I am a result of a thousand loves" invokes the idea that all those that came before me, were conceived in love, and so was I. And therefore, with all the generations that came before me, I am a result of big love.

And I think that holds true for all of us, even if we didn't know our genetic parents.

This ancestory altar cloth turned out to be amazing in so many ways. I love the fabric, and my ideas for displaying the altar.

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